Accelerating Green Transformation


Managing Our Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions


As we recognise the pressing need to address the challenges of climate change and sustainability, we have embarked on an ambitious journey towards a sustainable future. Our target “Chinachem Group Carbon Reduction Roadmap - CCG 3050+” (“CCG 3050+”) is aligned with the 1.5°C pathway and approved by Science Based Targets Initiative (“SBTi”). Through CCG 3050+, the Group aims to lower its operational carbon intensity under Scope 1 and 2 by 51.8% and its Scope 3 carbon intensity from capital goods, downstream leased assets and waste generated in operations by 20% by 2030 from the 2020 base year.

During the Reporting Period, we have implemented a range of green initiatives to accelerate our efforts in green transformation. To reduce carbon emissions from electricity consumption, Nina Hotel Kowloon East has newly installed 3 units of water- cooled chiller, connected to 3 cooling towers, and chilled and condenser water pumps with higher efficiency, which reduce approximately 36% of its annual energy consumption. We remain dedicated to pursuing further opportunities for green transformation and reducing our environmental impact.

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Performance Highlights

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Increasing the Adoption of Renewable Energy

Decarbonising the energy source is critical to our transition towards low-carbon operations. We are progressively installing renewable energy systems, such as solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, at our properties. For instance, the solar PV panels at Nina Tower generated 10,747 kWh of renewable energy in the reporting period. Additionally, we procured 50,708 kWh of Renewable Energy Certificates (“RECs”) from local energy providers, an increase of 44% from the previous year.

To increase our electricity consumption from clean energy sources, we will continue exploring opportunities to expand our renewable energy generation across our portfolio and source off-site renewable electricity, where possible.

Supporting Green Transportation

Echoing the Hong Kong SAR Government’s Roadmap on the popularisation of Electric Vehicles (“EVs”), we have been taking proactive actions to support the transformation of the city’s urban mobility scene by increasing the adoption of EVs in our operations and providing car park lots with EV chargers at our properties. During the Reporting Period, we newly installed 20 EV chargers at our properties.


Performance Highlights

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Sustainable Waste Management
Managing hazardous and non-hazardous waste at our operations

We acknowledge the urgent need to reduce waste generation and are committed to transitioning our business practices towards a circular economy. To achieve this, we are integrating waste prevention measures into our operations and utilising digital tools and technologies to reduce resource consumption and minimise waste proactively.

Construction waste recycling


As responsible developers, we prioritise sustainable construction practices to minimise waste through recycling. We recognise that the disposal of construction and demolition (“C&D”) materials can strain landfills tremendously. The Group strives to reduce waste generation from its construction sites and recycle the waste it produces. For instance, in our ongoing project in Ho Man Tin, we recycled inert C&D materials through a licensed recycler, achieving an overall recycling rate of over 90%. Additionally, metal waste from demolition was also recycled.

Case Study


Our Paperless Initiatives

During a digital transformation journey, the Group has implemented several initiatives to replace conventional paperwork and digitise its work processes to improve productivity and reduce paper usage.

The initiation of “My Places By Chinachem Group” mobile app is one of the major step in the Group’s commitment to sustainability. This app reduces paper usage and streamlined homebuying process. Through this eco-friendly digital platform, homebuyers can now easily register their buying intends and stay tuned with latest property news.

In the past, patrolling required recording time and security guard signatures in a physical book at designated checkpoints. By introducing an e-patrol system, we have eliminated the traditional pen-and-paper logbooks and embraced a greener, paperless method that enhances our security measures while conserving the planet.

To reduce paper waste and promote sustainability, Nina Hospitality has taken an eco-friendly approach to serving guests in their food and beverage outlets by replacing traditional paper menus with e-menus on digital devices.

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Material Use and Waste Management in Nina Hospitality

As part of its commitment to reducing our environmental impact, Nina Hospitality practices waste avoidance, reduction, reuse and repurposing throughout its operations. Nina Hospitality reduces its materials used and waste by:


Blending style and environmental responsibility in uniform

The uniform for RÚ, a Chinese cuisine restaurant at Nina Hotel Tsuen Wan West, is made of eco-friendly materials, such as upcycled polyester blend, wool blend and bamboo fibre. The uniform’s charcoal grey colour complements the restaurant’s environment and dishes, while the finishing details and micro- elastic elements provide both comfort and durability. The design is versatile enough to be worn by different positions with subtle differentiation, promoting a ‘ONE TEAM’ concept. The leftover fabric from producing the uniforms is upcycled to create ties, uniform’s inner facing and inner trimmings, further reducing production waste.


Improving menu design and food preparation processes

Nina Hospitality also reduces our food waste by making use of food trimmings. We maximise the use of food trimmings in our menu design, such as using fish scraps to make fish mousse, fish stock, fish head curry sauce and using vegetable trimmings to make vegetable cutlet. This allows us to present food to our customers creatively and reduce food waste.

Recycling food waste

Food wastage is a significant factor in the waste stream directed to landfills in Hong Kong. Apart from transferring our excess food to O · PARK, we have set up five food waste digesters in our hotels to process and reuse the surplus food. Throughout the reporting period, we prevented over 43 tonnes of food from reaching the landfill, leading to the avoidance of more than 1 tonne of greenhousegas emissions.


Donating edible surplus food to the needy

Nina Hospitality believes in the importance of sustainability and community support. To put this belief into action, we have established a partnership with the Foodlink Foundation since 2017. Our hotels, including Nina Hotel Tsuen Wan West, Nina Hotel Island South and Nina Hotel Kowloon East, work with the organisation to donate surplus food from our restaurants to those in need, aiming to create a positive social impact on the communities we serve.

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Engaging Our Stakeholders in Our Waste Reduction Journey

We are committed to addressing the waste issues that exist in our society. We understand that this effort requires collaboration with the wider community, and we are actively engaging with our stakeholders to achieve this goal.

In March 2023, we partnered with WWF-Hong Kong, an environmental NGO, and organised a beach clean-up session. During the event, we conducted a marine debris survey in the Yuen Chau Tsai area of Tai Po and collected various types of waste, such as plastic bottles, masks and metal cans. The experience was empowering for both our colleagues and community volunteers, who were able to contribute to alleviating environmental challenges first hand.

Moreover, we have implemented various measures to encourage our tenants, residents of our properties and hotel guests to actively participate in a zero-waste lifestyle. For example, Nina Hospitality offers discounts ranging from $3 to $5 (HKD) to customers who bring their own cups/containers to our food and beverage outlets. We have thoughtfully devised initiatives for our residents, such as collecting mooncake boxes for recyclers, with all generated proceeds donated to charity. We have also partnered with our recycling partners to recycle used cloth during Chinese New Year to promote eco-friendly lifestyles.

In the coming year, we will install Reverse Vending Machines (“RVMs”) at our properties to encourage the public to recycle their plastic bottles with instant rebates as an incentive.

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Performance Highlights

Conserving Water Resources

Although our business may not significantly impact the water resources available in our community, we believe in the collective responsibility of conserving water and preventing scarcity. Therefore, we closely monitor water consumption in our buildings and have implemented various water saving mechanisms. These include the installation of water meters, water flow regulators, automatic taps and water-saving showerheads, etc. Additionally, we adjust landscape irrigation schedules to minimise evaporation. To foster a culture of water conservation, we have been educating our colleagues, tenants, residents and hotel guests on the importance of water conservation.

Enhancing Water Quality

Creating excellent guest experiences is central to our hospitality service, and excellent water quality is undoubtedly essential to enjoyable and safe stay at our hotels. Nina Hospitality has participated in the Hong Kong SAR Government’s voluntary “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings - Flushing and Fresh Water” (“the Quality Water Scheme”), guaranteeing excellent water supply across all our hotels. We have implemented control measures, conducted regular inspections, performed maintenance tasks, conducted audits and regular reviews to ensure the optimal functioning of our plumbing systems.

During the Reporting Period, a total of 23 properties were recognised in the Water Quality Scheme. Among these, 11 properties including Nina Tower and The Lily received the highest rating of “Gold” in the Water Quality Scheme.

Case Study


Conveying Water Conservation Messages

Nina Hospitality encourages sustainable stays by providing a message card in hotel rooms. This card informs guests of the hotel’s water-saving programme and provides instructions on participating in the linen and towel reuse program. We aim to reduce water and energy consumption and invite guests to join us in our efforts towards sustainability.

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Performance Highlights

YOY % Change


YOY % Change


Ensuring Indoor Air Quality (“IAQ”)

Air quality at our properties is another important element of a top experience for our tenants and guests as well as the well-being of our colleagues. We make every effort to maintain a high standard of IAQ, especially in areas with high guest turnover rates and high levels of footfall in common areas such as restaurants, gyms, pools and lobby areas, to achieve operation excellence and customer satisfaction. Nina Hospitality is the only hotel group in Hong Kong that performs IAQ assessments in both public areas and guest rooms, following the Hong Kong SAR Government Environmental Protection Department’s (“EPD”) IAQ Objectives. During the Reporting Period, all public areas of the hotel received an Excellent rating in the “Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places” (“the IAQ Certification Scheme”), and 83% of guest rooms received an Excellent rating in the IAQ Certification Scheme. Furthermore, five hotels obtained certification under HKQAA’s “Anti-epidemic Hygiene Measures Certification Scheme”, ensuring strict hygiene protocols. These certifications reflect our dedication to maintaining clean, hygienic indoor air, providing guests with a comfortable stay. At our headquarters office, there are six IAQ sensors on each floor. The average value of these sensors is displayed on LED panels at the social hubs, providing an overview of the indoor air quality.

Case Study


Green Features at Hotel Guest Rooms

Nina Hospitality has incorporated several sustainable features into its guest rooms to create a greener future with our guests. These enhancements not only support environmental conservation but also prioritise guests’ comfort, providing a memorable and homely experience.



  • Maxmise natural lighting usage
  • LED Lights
  • Day and Night Curtain
  • Energy efficient appliances
  • In-room Air Purifier
  • Occupancy sensor in closet
  • Environmental reminders and signage
  • QR code for hotel service directory
  • In-room recycling bins


  • Message card to encourage the reuse of towels and linen
  • Refillable bottles for wet amenities
  • Amenity Kits with soy-ink printed packaging
  • Water-efficient sanitary fixtures, including showerheads, faucets, dual flush toilets
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Performance Highlights


of hotels’ public areas with Excellent rating in IAQ Certifications



of hotels’ guest rooms with Excellent rating in IAQ Certifications


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